Whether you’re in the midst of traveling or busy at work, there are times when showing up for class is simply not possible. Check out this quick 18 minute beginner core sequence to squeeze in a little bit of movement and self-care into your day. (Are you a member? The full workout is available in our video library.)

(If you need help finding your neutral pelvis, check out our blog series on how to find neutral in different positions and how to modify when needed.)

Pelvic Rock 

Set up: lie on your back, feet hip sockets distance apart (about the width of two fists)

EXHALE pull abdominals in, roll your hips towards your ribs,and press the low back onto the ground

INHALE roll the hips towards your legs, and arch the low back away from the ground

Repeat 6-8x.

Fingertip Abdominals

Set up: from your pelvic rock, find your neutral spine and place fingertips on the low abs (on your stomach, lower than belly button). Press your fingers gently into your body.

EXHALE to draw your navel inwards towards your spine, activating your abdominals  Try to feel the abs closing in towards center, as if you are cinching a belt

INHALE into the side of the ribs, holding onto the ab engagement

EXHALE to deepen the engagement 

Focus on the abdominals narrowing your waist, drawing into center at the same time that you pull your belly button downwards towards your spine. These are your transverse abdominals — the deep abdominal muscles that we’re targeting! 


Set up: continue to use the breath/abdominal engagement from fingertip abs and add movement

EXHALE draw one leg to tabletop, keeping the low back stable

INHALE lower the leg back down

EXHALE draw your other leg to tabletop, keeping even weight on both hips

INHALE lower the leg back down

First draw the abdominals in, then lift the leg to tabletop. Focus on the stability of your torso as the leg movement challenges that stability.

Ready for a challenge? Try this move lying on top of a foam roller!

Upper Ab Curl

Set up: from marching, lower both feet to the ground (two fist distance apart) and bring your hands behind your head (thumbs on the base of your skull and elbows visible in your peripheral vision)

EXHALE draw the abdominals in and curl head and shoulders away from the ground

INHALE to hold, keeping the head heavy in your hands

EXHALE lower back down

INHALE prepare

EXHALE curl up and begin sequence again

Repeat 10x.

Add a twist:

EX curl up and twist your upper body to the right (think left armpit drawn to the right hip).  Keep your hips stable and low back neutral!

IN return to center 

EX twist to the left (think right armpit to the left hip)

IN return to center & lower back down

Repeat 10x each side. Try this on a foam roller for a challenge!

All Fours - Pregnant Cat

Set Up: on all fours, find your neutral spine (sitz bones pointed straight back behind you, crown of head reaching forward)

Finding the abdominal engagement and release

INHALE let your stomach muscles release towards the ground, keeping your spine still

EXHALE engage the abdominals and draw the tummy up towards the front of the spine **maintaining a neutral spine**

Repeat 5-7x

Keeping the abdominal engagement

EXHALE engage abs

INHALE into sides of ribs, maintaining abdominal connection

Continue this breath pattern.

All Fours - Puppy in the Snow

Set Up: using the “keeping the abdominal engagement” breath we found in Pregnant Cat

EX: bend one elbow to and lift onehover the hand off the ground, keeping the rest of the body centered and stable

IN lower the arm down (make sure you stay centered on the mat!)

EX: hover opposite arm off the ground 

IN lower arm down, paying attention to any shift or sway in your body and engaging your abs deeper to help minimize that movement 

Repeat 6-8x each side.

Challenge: Instead of hovering the arm off the ground, reach the arm forward.

Chest Float

Set Up: lie on your tummy, reach the arms overhead (pinky down, thumb up), head hovering off the ground, low abs engaged w/ the pubic bone tilting towards the ground

EXHALE pull the navel away from the ground, engaging abdominals

INHALE shrug shoulders away from the ears as the head lifts (keep the back of the neck long) & the chest gets lighter on the ground

EXHALE hold your highest point, feel the work in the upper back (absolutely no sensation in the low back)

INHALE lower back do the mat

Repeat 8x. Press back into a child’s pose. 5 deep breaths there. 

Keep the low abs active the whole time. Keep awareness on what you feel working - we’re targeting the upper back here and we do not want sensation in the low back.

Can’t get it out of the low back? Come to class and we’ll help you!


Set Up: All fours, pressing hands into the ground, as if you’re strongly pushing the floor away. Extend one leg behind you at a time.  Draw your pubic bone towards your navel, engaging your abdominals.  You should be in one long line from your head, through your torso, and down to your feet.

Grumpy wrists? Come down to your forearms!

Hold your plank for a few deep breaths - focus on keeping your form and feeling the work in your core!  (Pro tip:  if you don’t feel your core, you’ve lost some of your form (maybe you’re arching your back, sinking into your chest, or have lifted your hips out of the straight line of the plank).  Your abs should be working hard all the time in a plank!)

Ready for a challenge?  Check out our next blog for ideas on how to take these moves to the next level!  If you’re ready to try these out live, join us in class for live instruction on how to progress from finding your core to strengthening it, to challenging your strength! 

Let’s Move!
These exercises build the foundations of a full workout! Book a group class or private session to see how:


Intermediate Pilates Core


Neutral Pelvis, Cont.